If they don't say... I decide?

Okay, so this is a question that has come up for me a couple of times in the past few days:
If something isn't specified in my job description, it is at my discretion usually, right?
For example, if they don't specify using cash or card, or if you have to do the shop alone? Or if you have someone joining you for that delightful meal and although they are only reimbursing you for one, do you have to get separate checks?
Things I've been wondering, mostly because I'm so wound up with the detail part of learning all of this.

I need to find a cheap DVR, I think it'd really improve my memory! (And fear of forgetting)

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When in doubt, ALWAYS email the scheduler and ask. Better safe than sorry.

Joan Gingras
Senior Project Director~BarStoolie Mystery Shopping

Inside Evaluators Wrote:
> When in doubt, ALWAYS email the scheduler and ask.
> Better safe than sorry.

See, I've done that on shops I wasn't sure of, and they seemed irritated with me.
They would rather you contact them and do it right. Verse not contacting them and you doing it wrong and they have to reschdule.
You might go back to your agreement you signed with them. I suppose some might have a blanket policy (shop alone, cash only) hidden in there that they don't reiterate on every shop??

Many of them specify. I don't know if I would have given it a second thought if it wasn't specified. I think I would also assume it didn't matter either way, but checking the agreement probably isn't a bad idea.

I pray it does not occur that the last thing I did before I died was vacuum the house or eat broccoli.
Wildcard, Best Buy has a Sony DVR for about $50 that will let you upload files to your computer. Might be the way to go.

"To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; to be credible we must be truthful." Edward R. Murrow

Thou shalt not steal. I mean defensively. On offense, indeed thou shall steal and thou must.--Branch Rickey
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