MSPA exam prep

I plan to take the silver exam soon, but have no idea how to prep for it. Is it essay or multiple choice? I have already done a dozen or so shops successfully and have purchased and read several mysery shop books, read a lot online, and just thought about it. Advice?

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ROFLMAO - not at you, Fredericka, at the idea that anyone would have to prep for the Silver. After you take it, you'll understand my laughter. I would not say it takes any prep. Given what you have done, you sound over-qualified for the passing the Silver. When I took it 4 years ago, it seemed to me that anyone breathing with $15 to spend could easily get the Silver Certificate.
AustinMom is right! You just have to be breathing to pass that exam!! I couldn't pass the Gold though, the video they showed where you were supposed to pick out the details was bad and the audio wasn't clear to me.

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
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