Reality Based Group - I goofed and need help!

I signed up to completed 2 separate shops for the same client at different mall locations. I goofed and uploaded the wrong report under the wrong shop. My 2nd shop upload is due today, but I can't upload that info because I entered the wrong location yesterday. I sent a message to the scheduler for help, but being the weekend I likely won't hear back until Monday. Any idea of what I should do?

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I've done this before. You'll have to wait until Monday and contact your scheduler and explain what happened. They'll just reject the first shop and put it back on your page. It all works out just fine in the end so don't stress!
I contacted the scheduler and was instructed to reenter the information into the site.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2012 04:20PM by swind001.
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