Mystery Shop Forum

I'm not a "new" shopper, but am fairly new to this forum, and would like more detail regarding who's behind this site. Who is JacobJans? Also, obviously some "super star" shoppers (without naming names) have more standing in this forum than us less-thans, and I'd be interested in your stake here. I do appreciate all comments, questions and information, but want to know more about those with the loudest voice!

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Guilty--I am a loud mouth :-) I have no financial stake in this site in any way, form or fashion and in fact rarely even find a new company to sign up with or a job on the job board. I don't refer anybody anywhere for pay but rather if I think they would find it useful. I enjoy some of the friends I have made through this site. Otherwise there is no benefit to me whatsoever except that I enjoy trying to be helpful--whether it is here or through other volunteer activities in which I engage.

My real concerns are trying to keep legitimate mystery shopping from being tarnished by the scams and shopper abuse that tends to make it look like a shady business. My firm belief is that with a minimum amount of direction, most folks can succeed at earning some extra money or some positive perks doing shopping. I feel strongly that shoppers do not have to lay out a dime for leads or memberships or certifications in order to succeed at this. It will never make them rich but it will help keep them from being poor. When I came back to shopping a few years ago everything had changed from when I did it many years ago. Fellow shoppers helped show me the ropes of the new environment and I have always been a believer that you pass along favors.

I do not schedule, edit or otherwise have any involvement with any MSP beyond being just a shopper.
We don't know a lot about Jacob, except that he also has a MSing blog and tips on his own site. Flash--the URL?
Took me a minute to find it in here, but it is []

I was under the impression that many folks who make it to this site came through that way.
Bumping this up. I want to take a look at the mysteryshoponline. smiling smiley Hope you don't mind.
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