For new shoppers. I don't know how anyone else does it but when I have a shop that requires photos. I give the shop a name like this: 106 fiddlers. If I do one tomorrow I would name it 107 fiddlers. By using the month and day it saves me so much time. I found out the hard way.

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Good idea.

I usually name mine something like "Shell100712" and rely on the folder time created field for sorting.

I also include the job number in the name. It helps if you're doing more than one location for the same client on the same day.
I started the job number and it does help. Each shop has a different shop ID, which is what I use. Also makes it quick and easy to find I found when MSC call for "more information" they always refer a job ID number.
My pics are automatically sorted into files by date. Then I go into each date and create mini files that have Location. That being said, I usually only work for 1 company a day doing 10-15 similar shops.
My electronic filing structure is: Year, Month, MSC, Client, Date, Location. If there's only one location per date, I make it one folder. Receipts get scanned and sorted accordingly. When photos come off of the camera/phone, they go into the Client folder under a folder called "Originals". I then use Photoshop's batch resize tool to resize them all to an MSC friendly resolution, and sort them into the individual location folders.

Paper records get thrown into one of two boxes, which get dumped every 6 months.
Secret Agent Mom, Wish I could do what you that is, work for 1 company a day doing 10-15 similar shops. That is great.
Cruising middle TN
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