MDavisnowell Wrote:
> Hello Readytowork. We had some back and forth on
> the forum earlier, and I said I would help you.
> It's good to see you've posted a question.
> Whether you can take someone with you may be
> clarified in the guidelines, so I suggest you look
> there first. If you don't find anything, I
> suggest you call the mystery shopping company and
> ask them if you can take someone with you. Most
> of the time, we go alone when we do an audit or
> shop of any kind.
> If acceptable pictures are not provided, the
> audit will not be accepted and the job will not be
> paid. Some companies will allow you to return to
> the location and do the audit again with fresh
> pictures. Again, the guidelines will tell you
> which pictures to take, and will usually provide
> examples of the pictures they want. You will be
> required to take pictures of specific things, and
> the picture will have to be clear and correctly
> lit. Fuzzy and/or dark pictures will not be
> acceptable. All pictures required must be
> provided. The absence of one required picture
> will cause the audit to be unacceptable.
> Most companies will want the pictures to be sized
> to 640 x 480, and most cameras can be pre-set to
> take the pictures this size so you don't have to
> re-size them later. Some companies will require
> the date and time imprinted on the pictures, and
> will not accept your pictures if this imprint is
> not present.
> If you are uncertain about your ability to take
> the required pictures and upload them, practice
> will help. Take similar pictures and practice
> uploading them to an email to yourself.
> I have never heard of a shopper being deactivated
> for failing to provide good pictures. If your
> equipment and skills do not allow you to provide
> good pictures, the company would probably not
> assign you to any more jobs requiring pictures.
> Almost everything I do requires pictures. If you
> are interested in auditing, it would be good to
> develop your photographic skills before you take
> on the audits.
> As long as the business being audited is not named
> in the same thread, you can mention the name of
> the mystery shopping company. As long as the
> mystery shopping company is not named in the same
> thread, you can mention the name of the business
> being audited.
Thanks so much for all your advice...
"For whatever a man sows that will he also reap"