I made a special 200mi. round trip yesterday because I've caught the MS bug. It was going to be profitable, but not killer. I've done quite a few shops considering I've only been doing this for 3 months, and signed up to do my 2nd and 3rd branded wholesale fuel shops. This MSC requires the date/time stamp on the pics (you know who). I NEVER use the date/time stamp on my camera, and of course forgot to turn it on. I have a nice Nikon that records that info, but I can't figure out how to make it print on the pics after the pics are taken with the stamp off.
I'm totally stressed about flaking and I'm really proud of my good report scores. Since it's the weekend, I can't talk to anyone at the MSC... (besides, I REALLY want to submit the one report- the employee charged me wrong for my candy bars twice, on purpose because he was mad they were marked wrong. I gave up on making him fix it again knowing that I could just note it in my report - and he was the manager! bwahahahaha!
What should I do? If I drive the whole way again, besides being a money loss because my fuel will cost more than the fees, my report might not be accepted anyway... HELP!!!with advice, please!
Thanks tons!