why are jobs taken so soon?

When a company sends an email that just arrives in my mailbox, why are the jobs already taken in the couple seconds it takes me to get to the page? Do shopper veterans get quicker notifications? I check the boards very regularly (almost to an obsessive amount) and frequently miss out on the good shops. Who knows why this is?

By the way, I know "good jobs" is very subjective... They are apparently highly sought after, however due to their popularity.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 08/09/2012 03:06AM by phlutter.

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Sometimes those jobs were already on the boards before an e-mail went out. I've also started checking the time the e-mail was sent. Just because it shows up in my inbox at 10:05 am doesn't mean it wasn't sent an hour before. No clue why it happens, but it happens.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
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How often do the rest of you check the job boards?

I check them all once a day... maybe I am checking the wrong time of day, eh?

Oh well, I figure those jobs weren't meant to be!
Check as early as possible and as often as possible. Check very late at night.

Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.
That must be it, I have to be up very early for work in the morning.. everyone else must stay up late at night winking smiley
I as well miss many jobs due to this, with all MSC's posting at a different time, quite impossible to catch them all....I missed this round of grocery stores completely, as a forum friend didn't remind me, and I wasn't quick enough. Emails coming in are auto and a reminder but I think they come late
in my area, never get them even when I check immediatley, there are gone.

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