Assuredd, I questioned some of what you wrote here. Some of my video shops had very little written reporting while others had almost as much repetitive questions as the solely written report does. When I asked about it, I was told it was the clients choice to ask what they wanted and it was not ultimately up to the mystery shopping company. I started looking for companies that require less on the written portion when submitting video reports. It led me to Video Shopping Network. I am still searching. I get most of my answers here in this forum.
Assuredd Wrote:
> I am glad to see this particular topic. I have
> done a few of these and feel there is a lot of
> required repetition in the information being
> submitted. Also, the request for so much detail
> describing the furniture, makes this shop a little
> difficult for me, personally. I think the video
> should be sufficient and my input insignificant,
> when compared to the video.
> I felt I was being asked for the same information
> 3 or 4 different times in narrative format. Then I
> started to wonder? How does my description in this
> paragraph compare with the same information I
> provided in previous paragraphs? Is this some
> kind of quality control effort to find
> discrepancies in my report?
> Does anyone have some insight on this issue?
M. Monty
MSPA Silver Certified.
Undercover Essentials video certified
PV 500 ECO...Will Travel