Ugggh why cant I pass the CORI test

I went page by page through the powerpoint presentation but still cannot pass the introductory test- I am starting to think the problem is on their system...So frustrating. Just an FYI- I have subscribed with over 10 companies so I am competent when it comes to these tests, any help is appreciated. Ill put an X near my answers.

1. Which of the following does CRI not specialize in:
a. Mystery Shopping
b. Call Center Monitoring
c. Human Resource Management X
d. IVR/IWR Surveys
2. Corporate Research International creates a customized Auditor training program based on the specific needs and wants of each Client.
a. True X
b. False
3. Which of the following is not true about Mystery Shopping:
a. It provides data for one of the most valuable information management tools available to companies today.
b. It is designed to evaluate things that a ‘regular’ customer would not normally observe (i.e. ‘behind-the-scenes’). X
c. It provides companies with insightful customer feedback.
d. It helps to analyze costly trends and identify opportunities for improvement.
4. Which of the following is not true about Operational Audits:
a. As with Mystery Shops, the individual performing an Operational Audit must not reveal his/her role as an Auditor. X
b. They can be quite time-consuming; sometimes lasting up to 6 hours.
c. The Auditor is sometimes asked to travel and/or perform more than one Operational Audit per day.
d. The information sent to CRI regarding an Operational Audit must be much more detailed than that of a Mystery Shop.
5. Among CRI’s Auditor Standards are Honesty, Integrity, Objectivity, Diligence, Professionalism, and Punctuality.
a. True X
b. False
6. Auditors are required to make a purchase and submit a receipt for which of the following reasons:
a. As proof that the Auditor completed the assignment.
b. To ensure that the assignment was performed at the correct location.
c. To make sure that its date/time matches the date/time on the report.
d. All of the above. X
7. After completing a Client-specific training course, each Auditor must score 90% or better on the test before he/she can become certified to perform an assignment for that particular Client.
a. True
b. False X
8. Which of the following is the minimum rating that each Auditor must maintain in order to perform assignments for CRI:
a. Two thumbs up
b. Three stars X
c. B+
d. Silver Level
9. Submitting false data to Corporate Research International will lead to disciplinary action up to and including prosecution.
a. True X
b. False
10. Which of the following is not true about CRI:
a. We are the world leader in the Mystery Shopping industry.
b. We have experience in various industry settings such as Retail and Restaurant.
c. We outsource our Scheduling and Accounting operations. X
d. We have a reputation of being the best service shop company to work for.

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I went through those, they all look correct to me. I always have a time with the CoRI tests too. I put the test on one tab and the presentation on another tab and do it that way. If I still can't figure out what I'm missing I go through each question and then find EXACTLY where it's addressed in the presentation and write down the time it's addressed (i.e. - @ 2m 41sec into the presentation). As I'm doing this, I really pay attention to the wording in the presentation because a lot of times it sounds like one thing when it's really something else. If I fail it again after this, I go back to each spot where the question is addressed and double/triple check. I usually get it right at this point. It takes me 4 or 5 tries sometimes sad smiley. Hang in there - CoRI is one of my favorite companies to work for, it will be worth it smiling smiley.
Sometimes it is simply the wording. Take another look at 4. Most, if not all, audits for them require revealing yourself. Check the presentation again because it seems that C would be the likely answer since as ICs we pick and choose our assignments, how far we travel and how many we take on.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
Hey, I am trying to take this test now and Ive been working on it for about 2 hours. I have checked each answer several times, but to no avail. Did you ever pass your test?

bullnyy Wrote:
> I went page by page through the powerpoint
> presentation but still cannot pass the
> introductory test- I am starting to think the
> problem is on their system...So frustrating. Just
> an FYI- I have subscribed with over 10 companies
> so I am competent when it comes to these tests,
> any help is appreciated. Ill put an X near my
> answers.
> 1. Which of the following does CRI not specialize
> in:
> a. Mystery Shopping
> b. Call Center Monitoring
> c. Human Resource Management X
> d. IVR/IWR Surveys
> 2. Corporate Research International creates a
> customized Auditor training program based on the
> specific needs and wants of each Client.
> a. True X
> b. False
> 3. Which of the following is not true about
> Mystery Shopping:
> a. It provides data for one of the most valuable
> information management tools available to
> companies today.
> b. It is designed to evaluate things that a
> ‘regular’ customer would not normally observe
> (i.e. ‘behind-the-scenes’). X
> c. It provides companies with insightful
> customer feedback.
> d. It helps to analyze costly trends and
> identify opportunities for improvement.
> 4. Which of the following is not true about
> Operational Audits:
> a. As with Mystery Shops, the individual
> performing an Operational Audit must not reveal
> his/her role as an Auditor. X
> b. They can be quite time-consuming; sometimes
> lasting up to 6 hours.
> c. The Auditor is sometimes asked to travel
> and/or perform more than one Operational Audit per
> day.
> d. The information sent to CRI regarding an
> Operational Audit must be much more detailed than
> that of a Mystery Shop.
> 5. Among CRI’s Auditor Standards are Honesty,
> Integrity, Objectivity, Diligence,
> Professionalism, and Punctuality.
> a. True X
> b. False
> 6. Auditors are required to make a purchase and
> submit a receipt for which of the following
> reasons:
> a. As proof that the Auditor completed the
> assignment.
> b. To ensure that the assignment was performed
> at the correct location.
> c. To make sure that its date/time matches the
> date/time on the report.
> d. All of the above. X
> 7. After completing a Client-specific training
> course, each Auditor must score 90% or better on
> the test before he/she can become certified to
> perform an assignment for that particular Client.
> a. True
> b. False X
> 8. Which of the following is the minimum rating
> that each Auditor must maintain in order to
> perform assignments for CRI:
> a. Two thumbs up
> b. Three stars X
> c. B+
> d. Silver Level
> 9. Submitting false data to Corporate Research
> International will lead to disciplinary action up
> to and including prosecution.
> a. True X
> b. False
> 10. Which of the following is not true about CRI:
> a. We are the world leader in the Mystery
> Shopping industry.
> b. We have experience in various industry
> settings such as Retail and Restaurant.
> c. We outsource our Scheduling and Accounting
> operations. X
> d. We have a reputation of being the best
> service shop company to work for.
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