Valid list of reputable companies

I beleive the list offered here is a great one, should I feel confident in signing up with just the companies with discussions or are the ones without discussions also valid? Someone ad referred Volition but the first name they had was Aawsm, and a search in the forums here suggested that they are a SCAM so I am not to confident in the validity of their list. Also, is jobslinger a good resource to find companies? Sorry just do not want to sign up with a possibly flakey company.

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We recommend our shoppers to Volition and Jobslinger, both of which we use all the time. We have been servicing the fast food industry with mystery shops for over 21 years and have found both companies reputable. We have obtained many very dependable shoppers through these sites. We also refer shoppers to Mysteryshoppersolutions

Brianne Whitworth
Schedule Manager
Consumer Impressions Inc
800-747-1838 Ext 14
480-779-0570 Text
Jobslinger and both list job postings as does this Forum and Volition. It is always wise to get feedback on a company either here or on Volition prior to doing any jobs. You want to be sure the company pays according terms, etc.

Some people have expressed a great deal of frustration when trying to sign up with Volition, having issues with their usernames and finding it takes along time. Meanwhile, I've found just as many available discussions here.

If there is a company on the list that is not showing any feedback you can always start a thread asking if anyone has any experience with that company.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I have only recently started posting on mysteryshopforum. The comments and information for shoppers on this site are really useful. I have recommended shoppers to this site many times for that reason.
Always best to check out a company as much as you can before signing on.

Brianne Whitworth
Schedule Manager
Consumer Impressions Inc
800-747-1838 Ext 14
480-779-0570 Text
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