For shins and grins, take them to small claims court! Have all your ducks in a row. DO send them a demand for payment email. Then complain to the state licensing boad and everyone that they are licensed by, even the local business license people.
Love everyone! Don't give no crap, and sure as h#ll, don't take any. Who does not get bothered, the sweet bunny, or the rattler
Don, Vegas
konopelski Wrote:
> Anyone out there do a job for Franchise Compliance
> and not get paid? looking to join forces if you
> are one of the unlucky ones that did a job for
> them and never got paid. I have confirmed with
> Chem Dry that they in fact paid the company for my
> job. That means they have our money!
> I have been doing mystery shopping for 10 years
> with over 60 companies in my data base. this is
> the first time I have been "taken". Of course it
> is for a $200 shop too.
> sue Hulme