Using iPhone, Macs, and Evernote

Hi, I'm just getting started with MS, doing a lot of research. I imagine my iPhone and Evernote will be great tools. I have a MacBook Air, and I can easily get a car charger for it. I already have an Evernote notebook with folders for different companies and a jobs log with table/spreadsheet.

What are some ways you have utilized iPhone, MacBook, and Evernote that have been super helpful?

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Another question, I read on CORI's website their reporting program only supports Internet Explorer. Are these otherwise high-tech operations really limited to PC users?
You are going to just need to try them and see whether they work with your setup. I have always used Firefox with CORI. In fact I use Firefox with most of the companies I work with, regardless of what their website indicates. I understand there are issues with using Safari with some sites and Chrome with others. There have also been issues when websites use version X and the world has moved on to X+2. High tech most of these companies are definitely NOT. They occasionally want you to use your high tech toys, but many probably would not know a motherboard from a sound card.
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