kvc - Many of us probably show little profit after we deduct all legally allowed expenses. If you need substantial income, look elsewhere. If you need a solid supplement, you've found it. I usually gross between $1,000 and $1,500 per month during the months that I choose to work. Most of what I do are simpler type jobs such as convenience store audits that don't require much financial outlay on my part. I work too many hours for what I earn, but I like the personal freedom, flexibility, and the opportunity to work in small rural towns most of the time.
Since I don't work every day, and I'm prone to take a month or two off now and then, it would certainly be likely that you could easily earn more much more than I do. The problem in depending on this is that the work is never steady and you cannot predict a dependable flow of income. Also, you can expect shop fees to continue to go down, at least for the time being. Downward is the current trend, and from what I hear from more experienced shoppers, fees have been going down for a few years now. They will probably never go up. How much you can make will depend on work availability, number of shoppers in your area, how well you organize, and how effective and dependable you are. And, of course, you'll have to work like a dog in a fight to keep your business profitable.
Mary Davis Nowell. Based close to Fort Worth. Shopping Interstate 20 east and west, Interstate 35 north and south.