Phone Calls From Schedulers

How often do schedulers call people vs. just emailing?

When I started signing up for all of these MSCs I feared my phone ringing off the hook so I used a phone number at work that has voice mail but never gets answered. I've only had two companies call so far (although I haven't been mystery shopping for a month yet so I don't expect they'd be beating down my door).

Is it rare to be called instead of emailed? I might update my profile on my favorite MSCs with my cell phone number. Perhaps after I receive a payment from any of them smiling smiley

"It's not THE way, it's just A way"

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To a great extent the number of calls you get depends on how frequently you answer the phone and can say 'yes'. There are some companies that seem to endlessly call with no bonus available. Break them of the habit. The shops they are calling for there is a 95% chance you have seen already on the board and are not interested in it at the price offered or you would have taken it. Nobody else obviously is interested in it at that price either. You don't owe a scheduler helping them out unless they are taking care of you.

If you can turn it into a horse trade, fine: "I will do A for you, but I want B assigned to me for next month. I have been requesting it for months and am never given it." If they agree, the chances are they can do nothing about it at the moment, but make sure you have their email addy and remind them next month. If they don't follow through to get B assigned to you, just don't help them out in the future.
I am signed up with over 100 companies. I may get as many as 20 scheduler phone calls per month. Half are for fast food, which the schedulers are supposed to know (from my profile) that I never, ever, do. The other half net me $100 to $150 a month in bonuses. If I did not answer the phone, the scheduler would just go on to the next prospect and I would miss the bonus.

Based in MD, near DC
Shopping from the Carolinas to New York
Have video cam; will travel

Poor customer service? Don't get mad; get video.
I'd never want to miss out on a good bonus. I'm updating my phone number with every MSC I've done work for right now. Then I'll move on to updating those who I have not worked for yet. Thank you!

"It's not THE way, it's just A way"
Many companies have shopper profile options where shoppers can choose how they wish to be notified of available shops. For instance at Consumer Impressions we send out an email, but if the shopper wishes to be contacted by text they just click yes next to text in their profile.

Brianne Whitworth
Schedule Manager
Consumer Impressions Inc
800-747-1838 Ext 14
480-779-0570 Text
I've gotten a few calls for "emergency" shops (typically a restaurant that I had shopped before). I travel a lot with my "regular" job so if I'm in the town in which the shop is needed, I typically take it. I've turned a couple down due to being in a different state during the window needed and often wondered if turning a shop down when called puts you on the naughty list with schedulers.
There is one MSC that I recently signed up for a few shops and they won't assign to me via email or their web site. They have someone call to confirm the shop. I don't like it because I am, often, hard to reach. They kept calling my home phone number and I am rarely home during business hours!
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