SVAC 1221?

Hello, I'm Annette and I am new to mystery shopping. So farI've been working with Bestmark and I've contracted myself to another place as well. Well this other MSC sent me a job to look at. Can anyone tell me what is SVAC 1221?

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What's the name of the other MSC? Did you find them and register on their site or did they e-mail you asking for information?

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The only thing gogle came up with was some study. Perhaps it is the shop ID number?
I apologize for getting back to this post so late. It's market force and I registered. No, they didn't ask for information.

LisaSTL Wrote:
> What's the name of the other MSC? Did you find
> them and register on their site or did they e-mail
> you asking for information?
I did the same thing too. Now, I know what it means, it's just a job and you have to research it on their site and so I did come to find out it was a drugstore shop.

katherineevans Wrote:
> The only thing gogle came up with was some study.
> Perhaps it is the shop ID number?
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