Car shop tank running on empty!

I's still relatively new to this, but I find I really like doing the car shops.

The problem is I have just about run the two companies I know of dry (Best Mark and IntelliShop). Could anyone give me the names of any other mystery shop companies who do car shops?

And, boy, am I learning a lot by reading this forum.


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Hi Sportsed -

My DH loves looking/shopping the car dealerships also.

Unfortunately, due to our Independent Contractors Agreements that we all sign when we register with MSC's - and the Posting Guidelines on the forum - we cannot divulge the info.

Best I can tell you is to continue signing up with the huge list of MSC's - and you may find some. The list is at the bottom of the pages!

~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~ + ~

Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom
Actually as long as we don't tell you what dealerships or businesses the companies are representing we can tell you what companies may have car shops. It's a broad category like who shops hotels and there are all sorts of threads there.

There are several that I have been getting emails from regularly and I am not one for the car shops...and motorcyles? Are you interested in those?
Try Monterey, Coast to Coast Scheduling Services, Reality Based Group, Automotive Insights.

Those are a few I have gotten emails from this month for vehichle shops.

Also, try Quest for Best.

Go ahead, ask me to violate an ICA. I won't do it, and the MSCs that read the board will know not to hire you, since you can't be trusted.
Do you have a motorcycle endorsement?

If you're a female with a motorcyle endorsement, you can make your bread and butter with cycle shops.

I'm seriously considering getting my motorcycle endorsement just so I can pick up some of the dozens of shops (often bonused $20-50) I see in my area.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/18/2012 02:39PM by MissyH71.
Glad you mentioned that because the requirement is bugging the living crap out of me. It's not the motorcycle endorsement itself, rather the requirement that a woman must have one and a man does not. WTH? It is so sexist.

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
I rather like the $150.00 Rolls-Royce dealer shop I keep seeing that ONLY a man can do.

I'm just old enough to remember the days when the newspaper want ads had "Jobs for Men" and "Jobs for Women" columns.


I tell my students that this really did happen - as late as the early 1980s - and they think I'm full of it.

Although - in the case of the motorcycle shops - I could see some pink-pantsuited elderly mystery shopping female trying to pull it off at a Harley-Davidson dealership and failing miserably.

But - lots of women own their own businesses, have law/medical degrees, and could potentially purchase a Rolls-Royce Ghost.

Ah, well, c'est la vie.
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