make money gont let it make you

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There are more than 200 companies on the list here, kynnedi. Most of us are registered with many of them. If one doesn't work for you then some of the others are likely to.
Probably the most important thing to me is doing shops of places where I would normally buy something anyway. My husband and I go out to dinner once a week, so I do restaurant shops. That way, we are being reimbursed for something we would do anyway. I take shops at a cute costume jewelry store that reimburses $10.00 and pays $8.00. I buy a $10 item on each shop and save it to go in a Christmas or Birthday package for my daughters. Oil change shops and grocery shops are things I would normally buy anyway. In between, I do shops that are actually paid and have no purchase, like insurance or fitness facilities. I know that I will not make a cent on a meal that I would not have normally eaten out or goods that I would not use, but for the stuff I need, it is just great!
Agreed, bmac. On occasion I will see a shop bonused to a fee that makes it worthwhile for the fee alone. The purchase requirement becomes just a necessary expense and if there is nothing I need, I can sometimes find some small thing for a Christmas stocking stuffer. There is a bag hanging on a hook in the closet to accumulate stocking stuffers during the year.
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