Peanut Gallery - Straighten my head please

I just got a shop with a lot of yes/no questions, and a comment box is under the questions. Am I wrong in thinking I have to put a comment there?

What do you put in the comment boxes? I think the purpose may be to clarify a response, such as, 'Did the server greet you with a smile and friendly hello.' I could check the box no, and say she couldn't smile, her mouth was full of gum.' LOL

Am I way off base here? I can't remember what I used to do on these forms 8 years ago. I know, age has a lot to do with that too. No age comments from the peanut gallery. ;0)

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Different companies have different philosophies. Some want a comment in every box that is not just a rephrase of the question, some want comments only for 'no' responses. One company wants a response for every 'no' and a comment for every 3-4 'yes' answers. Check their website and your guidelines to see if they give you a clue.
I know Service Check wants you write a few sentences on the NO answers only.
I remember commenting on everything, only to be asked to redo it as yes
answers do not need an explanation. The problem is MSC's all require
different sure to write reasons for all no answers, they are the same there, but re-read your instructions and see if they give you a writing sample. that really helps.

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