the newby

I have a question. I hold several certifications with Shadow Shopper but not MSPA, does this account for anything? I have been told I need to be certified with MSPA before revceiving any assignments.
Please guide me.

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Yes, if you don't have the $99 for the Gold at least do Silver for $15. At least 75% give preference to MSPA certified shoppers first. I would do it sooner than later if you are seriously planning on doing this seriously. Good luck.


Shop til I drop
You ABSOLUTELY POSITIVELY DO NOT NEED TO BE CERTIFIED BY ANYONE in order to get and do shops. I am not certified, have not been certified and have no intention of getting certified yet I get shops offered that are as good as or better than gold certified friends of similar experience. Without certification I have done $400 shops. Without certification this month I have done a $78 dollar shop.

Even the MSPA indicates in their notes about shops that "the certification may give you an edge with some companies. Imagine two shoppers in the same town, with the same experience and work performance. One is certified and one is not. All other things being equal, the certification sets one shopper above the other with some companies."

While there are or may be some companies or schedulers who give preference to certified shoppers I think even they recognize that being certified does NOT guarantee doing a good job. Earn your reputation by the quality of work you do and you will be finding and getting offered jobs.
I am new to Mystery Shopping and would like to get certified.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
Also, I would like to attend the convention in Pittsburg. Do I have to be a member of any organization, or can I just sign up and go?

Thanks for your help.
In order to attend the convention you will have to be Silver Certified by the MSPA already and then you can sign up for the Gold for the convention if I understand correctly the way that works. You can find more about the costs and certifications at the MSPA site-- []
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