Complaint Warning Fraud

I was sent a email stating they need mystery shoppers and that it wouldn't cost anything to join. Just needed my information. Then I came home today and found a check for 1850.00 from Western Federal Credit Union with my name on it. Was given directions on how to proceed. I called the bank the check was drawn on and they stated that the check was fake. I then proceeded to look up the company name Perfect Choice, LTD and found out they are not a real company anymore per the BBB. Will continue to report the company to the State Attorney's office in my state and anyone else that is needed.

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Certainly lots of those scams going around out there. The best idea is to hit the delete button when you see the spam email come through. Legitimate companies will ask for you to register at their website. Legitimate company websites can be accessed through a trusted list such as the one here, the one at or the one at the MSPA website. And since no legitimate companies pay in advance or would send you that kind of money, your scam sensors sound like they are doing just fine!
Another possibility when you get a check from these people -- and I talked this over with the FBI -- is to send the people a message saying you cashed the check and have sent them the requested about. If they said to send them their money by Western Union, tell them you made a mistake and sent it by Moneygram, and give them a phony receipt number. These folks will be turning inside out trying to retrieve the money that was never sent.
Richard94611 Wrote:
> Another possibility when you get a check from
> these people -- and I talked this over with the
> FBI -- is to send the people a message saying you
> cashed the check and have sent them the requested
> about. If they said to send them their money by
> Western Union, tell them you made a mistake and
> sent it by Moneygram, and give them a phony
> receipt number. These folks will be turning
> inside out trying to retrieve the money that was
> never sent.


You should also let the post office know if they mailed it USPS since it's a federal crime using the post office for criminal activity. smiling smiley
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