Promoting Your Yourself

I'm new to mystery shopping and I heard that a good way to promote yourself as a shopper to potential companies that are not online is to make business cards and hand them out. This might be a silly question, but if you are a mystery shopper how do you remain a "secret" if you hand out cards? Do secret shoppers put "secret shopper" on the card? What about having a website? What is the best way to promote yourself as a shopper to potential clients?

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I hope somebody was just pulling your leg! YOUR clients are the companies you register to work with. You register on line. How the heck would you use a business card to do that????

Joe's Deli down the street may not be mystery shopped. Are you proposing to shop Joe's for them? If so, you would be functioning as a Mystery Shopping Provider (MSP) and you will note that virtually every Independent Contract Agreement (ICA) indicates that you will not be an owner or employee of any other MSP for periods of time that generally are 2 years after termination with them. So you can do one thing or the other--register as a shopper and get experience to do this stuff, then terminate for 2 years and start your MSP or just be a shopper. But as soon as you start free lance shopping Joe's Deli you are in violation of your ICA with any MSP you are registered with.
Thank you for your response. Someone must have been pulling my leg and must be very new.I don't want to be in violation of any agreement. I want to do my best for mystery shopping companies. Thank you again for responding to my question.
By the way, a few shops want you to represent yourself as a "business". There is one in particular I am thinking about, but I haven't seen it in a couple of years. I needed to get a "business" membership. For such occasions I will print up a quick business card on my computer indicating that I do 'Consulting' and supply my PO Box and my home phone number. But these are, of course, pretty bogus and certainly created for a specific event rather than for general distribution. (Though I have been known to drop one in the fishbowl for drawings for a 'free lunch for the office' at a couple of restaurants.) In no way do they identify mystery shopping or anything closely akin to it.
What's wrong with registering with companies, you can find a list on this forum. We all do that, they need your informtion to find jobs for you and
pay you. This is a third party business, with us being the third party,
the client (owner of companies we will work for), the MSC (Mystery shopping company), and us (the shopper). I would read more and get a better understanding of how this works. I have business cards as my shopping is
my licensed business, but give it out to friends for my email and number, never to an establishment, as they shouldn't know who the shopper is, that's the point.

Live consciously....
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