Donut Shops

I'm a fairly new mystery shopper and wondered if any of you have helpful hints for donut shops. I'm referrring to the drive through shops that instruct you to enter the location afterwards and stay for 10-15 minutes. This seems to be the longest 10 minutes ever! Most of these are inside a convenience store and are usually very small. I am often the only customer inside, and feel as if "all eyes are on me". There is little to look at, and I usally end up buying stuff I don't want or need, just to look like a legitimate customer. In some, I've felt like I was suspected of being a shop lifter because I was just hanging around.
Any ideas on how to get through the 10 minutes and not feel so uncomfortable?
Thanks for your help!

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This shop used to be feasible when they did not indicate that you must do the drive thru first. I could go in, rushing right to the restroom as if it were an emergency and then settle in the dining area "waiting for my friend", impatiently looking at my watch and out the window. Once my 10 min had elapsed I could whip out my phone and have a pretend phone call, saying "Where are you???" After a few minutes of silent "listening" I could say, "Ok." and with the phone still to my ear, leave the store and go to my vehicle. These places usually had their parking in plain view of the store, so the fake conversation would continue as I got in the vehicle. Then almost as an afterthought I would pull through the drive-thru.

Although it would be odd, you may be able to reverse the process, make your purchase and then with the beverage in hand, enter the store with your cell phone stuck to your ear having a fake conversation about meeting somewhere that has you delaying your departure for that location for 10-15 min.

Another trick is to take along a small container of water which you dump on yourself looking like a beverage spill that you hurry inside to the restroom to "clean up". You do the dump just as you are at the end of the drive thru road where the cameras aren't watching and then turn into the parking lot to park in front of the door. When I'm doing this one, I usually use the napkin from the drive thru order to be blotting at myself. Take your time in the restroom as the 10 minute clock started when you came in the door. Make your notes while running the water like you were rinsing out the spot. If they have an air hand dryer run that for a bit. Emerge with a still damp, slightly larger spot, but at a leisurely pace to look around and maybe even ask a few questions if the place isn't busy--like the price of a bag of coffee or the mugs or if it is a combo DD/BR, what kind of ice cream is that?
At the regular donut shops, I sit at the table reading a mail order catalog or newspaper while I munch my donut and have coffee. Inside the catalog is my cheatsheet, and I'm making notes for the report. But I've never seen or done a drive-in. Do yours have tables?
Thanks so much for you reply. No, there are no tables. These are the DD shops that are located within a convenience store. You have to order at the drive thru window, park, and then go inside the convenience store for ten minutes. As I said, it's a very long ten minutes, most customers are coming in and grabbing a newspaper, milk, etc, and running out the door, and here I am, still there 10 minutes later. Just a bit uncomfortable for me.
LOL......I've thought of that....but then I wondered if they check the security tapes after I submitted my report, would they still count me as being at the location for the required time? And on that note, do they really check the security tapes, or is that just a ploy to get you to stay???
I'm sure that many if not most businesses these days have security cameras. If you take a look at the exit doors as you leave you may even see the height measurements there to help establish the height of a robber. The cameras can obviously be used for a number of things . . . monitoring for robbers, mystery shoppers, dishonest employees, employees goofing off or doing dangerous things, etc.
They usually check the tapes only if you hand in a report with anomalies, like the 2 where I reversed all the info because I had done them within 15 minutes of each other (That was long ago before I got a DVR and made cheatsheets.) They might also check tapes if you give an employee a very bad write-up. But I don't think 10 minutes in the RR would be classified as "not on location." They all encourage you to go into the RR and make notes.
Well, I got a donut shop without table and chairs today. It was weird, not in a convenience store, just a standalone building. There was plenty of space there for a larger store. Anyway, I followed my own advice and stayed in the RR a while. Next time I do that one I'll bring a newspaper or book.
I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that found it weird! Thanks everyone for all your help! As I said, I'm new to this, but loving it!
After 25 donut shops, I've learned to improvise. Mine was weirder than yours, because it was the first standalone store I've ever seen without a dining area. I felt like someone had chopped off the front half of the store.
I haven't gotten any Donut Shops in my area.... MMM..Yummy!
What company do I have to sign up for???
I've done the same chain of donut shops for several different companies. They seem to use several companies for mystery shopping for some reason. There are thousands of them posted....everywhere! Try looking on Volition or MSPA...that's were I found them. The nice thing is that you can pick up 5 or 6 in some cities so you can do them all in one day. After you've done a couple they are easy to report. Good Luck!
I really want some free donuts... been hoping they'd have a free donut day. Mystery shops would be great. I haven't seen any donut ones.

MSPA Gold Certified. Areas: Louisville KY, Lexington KY, and central KY.
Kern does scheduling for one MSP that shops the donut stores. They've been doing bagels, not donuts, the past 3 months. Last donuts were in April, so they may be due again soon.

Also, Diversified Corporate Solutions (DSC) does other areas.

We can't name the client and the MSP together in the same thread, because it violates our contract.
We don't have the drive up kind of donut shops here in tucson that i know of.They are usually inside because of the heat.
Toreima whay I do is bring a little notebook and then talk with th help about how much time they nedd for an advance order of 4 dozrndonuts and ask if I cam make a list to see what the other people want for this alledged meeting. They are happy to help you while you check th cold drink cooler or count empty coffee spaces. Most gas sttions do not allow cold drink coolers and the restrooms mostly belong to the gas station so the 10 minutes pass so fast you find out youve gone over requiredt time hope this helps someone.
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