Shopping Scenario

I was looking at a job posted on one of the shopping sites that called for the shopper to visit a store in a mall. The requirement is to get a business card from the store, and also a price and sku number from the associate on one of the items.

Since this is not normally what customers would ask for, can you think of a creative way to pull this off without being identified as a shopper?

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Is it possible for you to find the sku number by looking on a tag, or does the MSC specify that they want you to ask the associate for it. Sometimes I wonder how companies expect shoppers to be discreet when they are clearly forcing us to be apparent.
It very much depends on the store you are visiting. Many stores have shelf labels that give the sku and the upc number, some stores just directly use the upc as the sku.

I can envision looking at a product and indicating to an associate that I like the item and want to suggest that my husband (or kid, depending on the price) get it for me for my birthday next month. So that they don't get just ANY ____, it would be safest for me to give them the sku and price as gentle general hints tend to get items I don't need and can't use.
The instructions say a business card ( as well as the price of one item and SKU number) from the associate is required. Since there are parentheses, I'm just going to assume we don't ask to ask the associate for that. If the number is not available, I'll ask for it for an online order reference or something.

Still. I don't see many mall shops with business cards, do you?
I think I know the shop you are referring to and I did this one a few weeks ago. I simply asked the associate to write down the information for me so I could remember exactly which item I had looked at. She automatically wrote it down on a business card. It made me wonder if the associate had a heads up on the mystery shop scenerio.
"I really like you have a business card? Oh let me write all this down -- I really need to be specific when I give my husband information on what I want/like...our anniversary is coming up" (or switch up to work)

I then write down more than the sku so it looks like I am really getting a good description for my husband...description, sku, price, identifiers, etc.


annie703 Wrote:
> I was looking at a job posted on one of the
> shopping sites that called for the shopper to
> visit a store in a mall. The requirement is to
> get a business card from the store, and also a
> price and sku number from the associate on one of
> the items.
> Since this is not normally what customers would
> ask for, can you think of a creative way to pull
> this off without being identified as a shopper?
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