Shop2LiveinFL Wrote:
> I just completed and received my Silver
> Certification. I found the test to be easy also.
> I started mystery shopping at the end of August
> 2011 and I have been quite successful with 20+
> MSCs mostly receiving 9's and 10's. But for
> $15.00, which is tax deductible, I figured "why
> not?"
> I use the MS Bible to keep track of all my shops,
> expenses, etc. so it should be pretty easy to
> track my stats to see if being Silver Certified
> makes a difference or not. I do feel that an
> excellent track record with the MSCs does hold
> more weight than a certification.
> Now do I have to go and update my certification
> with each individual MSC or is there a quick and
> dirty way of doing it?
I am interest to take the Silver Certification,but i worry i will fail can u help me? wht kind of question will be ask? how if i fail?