New Shops

I just completed two shops today. After the fiasco apartment shop, I feel renewed.

Hope everyone is well and working like crazy!


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Hey Cristi-Glad thing are looking up. I've just been working my behind off driving all over-Corona today, Costa Mesa Saturday, Irvine Tuesday, Corona del Mar Sunday. Inbetween, some local stuff. What kind of shops have you been doing?(use generic terms)

Independent Scheduler
My recents shops have been in higher end housewares, party supplies. An art and frame store tomorrow. I have another job so I have discovered if it is not in route, the gas prices cancel out the dollars earned. It is fun though. It sounds like you do this more full time.

Cristismiling smiley Nice to hear you are busy....
Sounds like you're doing great. Pretty sure I know those shops and MSPs. I do as much as I can and still keep my sanity.LOL I had a gas shop today-paid $4.399 for regular. Yikes!! Take care.

Independent Scheduler
Did you notice gas didn't go up this past week? It seems to be slowing. But in the 6 shops I did yesterday, I found such variation, from $4.12-4.39.
It's still going up around here. One station increased $.10 in less that a week. Now it seems like $.02 a day.

Independent Scheduler
The last two days I noticed a big change in Gas. From now 4.17-4.40 Its Crazy.....It makes alot of shops when you figure out gas, you come out negative not counting the time driving,wear and tear, and the time on reports. I try and stay in one area (if I can) each day. I Love bank jobs......what does everyone else enjoy doing??? Kathy
It's good to hear from everyone. We all need to call our Senators and raise cain....There is oil in Montana and N. Dakota justing wait for the go ahead. Congress better get there head out of the stars and go to work for us for a change.

My friend sent me a e mail about a car developed in France that runs on compressed air. It is ugly, but it could work here. Of course the tax base would be effected. Hum....Well see what happens. If we are silent nothing will get better...

Well...I had my say...

Bye for now..

There are numerous oil leases out there that have not been drilled. By not drilling them the hope is to pressure opening the Artic Wildlife National Reserve and other public lands to drilling with little or no opposition in the name of sanity. This must be pursued while the current administration and its oil friendly policies are in place because as soon as the Bush/Cheney administration is gone there is not likely to be as strong a White House support for enriching the oil companies and staying with conventional energy sources. A bigger problem is the bottleneck at the refineries which only in the past few weeks have raised their production to 90% of capacity because they can currently make handsome profits, What is needed is to increase the capacity of manufacturing of solar and wind generators that can reduce significantly the amount of fossil fuels to produce electricity. And certainly automobiles can be made much more efficient. We currently have a Civic Hybrid that is a little 4 cylinder vehicle that in the flat Florida environment has achieved 56.2 mpg on regular gas, though with 10% ethanol mix can only muster about 42.5 mpg. We really need to be looking more conservatively at how we are using what fossil fuel the earth still holds and developing the capacity to generate more power from dams, sun and wind rather than making the fossil fuels "more affordable" such that there are none left for future generations. Nuclear technology has also improved such that it is safer though none of us is willing to have one "in my back yard".
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