Keep your eyes open because not infrequently I have seen them for $99. I still have not bothered. I am home based and have little interest in reporting from the field, so all of my stuff comes home and is scanned with my all-in-one while I change to my grubbies, get a snack and start the coffee pot before doing reports.
When I was doing hotel and resort shops I picked up behind-security airport shops that needed to be submitted the same day. A careful digital camera photo of the receipt took care of that. The receipts and such from the hotels and resorts could be scanned and submitted once I got home.
I like to head out on shops burdened with as little stuff as possible because among other things summer heat in the car can be damaging to electronics. I usually have my digital camera with me, my DVR with microphone in place, my watch and my instructions. When the weather is beastly hot I will have a cooler with a couple of home filled water bottles that are cold and if I am doing a string of grocery shops, a large cooler with freezer packs to keep stuff cold for the several hours before I can get it to refrigeration. That is already more than enough stuff to haul out to the vehicle!