I was a Gen Manager for 11 years before getting sick and not able to work outside the home..........
I read these posts and I share some info:
A LOT of companies bonus HIGH if you are picked to be shoped.
If the sales rep uses what they are taught and do as they were requested--they are recognized.
Nothing more gratifying than informing an emp.and a reward and/or recognition will follow (if shopped enough--pay raises and sometimes, if consistently great, a promotion).
What we do is an invaluable tool. What we do is give praise and recognition to those who do great jobs and a second chance (while sometimes seriously not deserving) to others. Sometimes it is the last chance and for that?..... Perhaps it is that one shop that kicked the employee out the door for consistently getting poor shops that gave the emp. a kick in the pants who is now successful?
Don't ever feel bad for playing the role. The role leads to other things on the other side of the fence that we are not aware of.
As far as commissioned...who is not to say that we took an hour away from their time so upper management and/or the owner are aware of where their money is going? Have we a clue how much of time, effort, and money came out of their own pocket went into training each and every one "commissioned"? If they get a good review and work for a good company, isn't their a possibility they will be rewarded?
I can tell you this: 11 years on the other side and the companies I worked for always took care of the good apple who did great cs. Great customer service brings in cash. The one's who adamently refuse to perform company guidelines and score low belong in the line of unemp. until they change their attitude. Isn't it the attitude the overall reason of a poor score? I didn't give the employee a poor score, they did that on their own. I report what I saw with the scenario I am given to reward those who earn it...train those who want it...and dodge ball the ones who mock it. Training is a lot of work...and takes a lot of patience. And when I would read the shops and see a low score and why, it is infuriating! They don't care, I look like I didn't try, upper management ...so on and so on and so............
Think about it, please don't loose sleep. You are doing the person and boss a huge favor for your time and LOTS OF EFFORT ON THE LAPTOP!
sorry....really had to butt in on that....