mystery Shopping

I am from Michigan and I was wondering if you had any jobs in the Cadillac or Traverse City Area. I really would love to do this.. Please feel free to contact me at 231-389-0101

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Hi, sassy1968, welcome to the forum. this is a forum primarily of mystery shoppers. We are independent contractors who apply for jobs with mystery shopping companies. If I were you I would edit out my phone number. As a public forum on the internet, a phone number posted becomes available to anyone who has a computer. If you want to begin mystery shopping, thought, you have come to the right place for information. Below, there is a link to a list of mystery shopping companies. You should go to the website of as many as you can and apply. Once you have filled out an application with a company, you will be able to check the company's job board and apply for jobs. Welcome and good luck.
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