@Sweetnshort -
There's not a specific "Forum" for every MS Company.
There may be threads *started*, but then you just look/SEARCH for a specific company.
One way I found out about the different company is:
1. Scroll down this page to the bottom. Look for "OFFICIAL LIST OF MYSTERY SHOPPING COMPANIES" ---> Click that link.
2. You will see a long list of company names. BESIDE the company name, you will see [4 Discussions] or [0 Discussions] - any [# Discussions]
3. To find out how those MSC's are about paying, scheduling, listing, etc - just click on the "[# Discussions] link. That will show you threads started about the company. You can read it if you want.
So you don't get overwhelmed take your time, make it a goal to only do 5 new ones a day. It DOES take time to read discussions and determine for yourself if you want to sign up for that company.
Hope this helps!
I'm still looking for and signing up with companies. I've only signed up with 106 right now.
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Proud To Be A Soldier's Mom