First restaurant shop

OMGoodness. Never again. I don't think the restaurant shops are for me. Ha! I went last evening. I filled out the paperwork by hand with my friend and went to bed. I'm not used to being out so late. Anyway, I did a mall shop this afternoon, submitted the report for that and still wasn't done with the restaurant report. Good thing I can laugh about it.

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I just did my first sit down, it was the most advanced shop I've done so far but I know I'll be more used to it on the next go-round. It's more work but also more pay, generally :-)
They get easier both on the observations during the visit and on putting together the report afterwards.
Go to a nice restaurant, be served, and eat a good dinner. No shopping/buying
the food, preparing it, or washing the dishes! The more you do, you'll find that the observations become second nature. Completing the reports can still be a pain in neck, but they'll also get easier.
Hang in there! The first one is the hardest, once you get the hang of it they will seem so much easier!
I have been shopping for one month now. The time element of this shop is what threw me for a loop. How can you possibly note the time the drink order was taken, the time it arrived, the time the app was ordered, the time it arrived...and so on? I had my ipod recording app and it was still hard to listen back through a 2 hour dinner. Btw, the food was delish. My friend and I had a good time. The service was pretty bad though. Too bad. If my report is accepted, I'll try again. Thanks all, for your input and encouragement.
Restaurants are high on the list of to each their own. My preference is by far shopping and cooking even if I can't wrangle anyone to clean up afterwards. I find it more relaxing to sit with a glass of wine afterwards than type of every bit of minutiasmiling smiley

Equal rights for others does not mean fewer rights for you. It's not pie.
"I prefer someone who burns the flag and then wraps themselves up in the Constitution over someone who burns the Constitution and then wraps themselves up in the flag." -Molly Ivins
Never try to teach a pig to sing. It's a waste of your time and it really annoys the pig.
llrose Wrote:
> I have been shopping for one month now. The time
> element of this shop is what threw me for a loop.
> How can you possibly note the time the drink order
> was taken, the time it arrived, the time the app
> was ordered, the time it arrived...and so on? I
> had my ipod recording app and it was still hard to
> listen back through a 2 hour dinner. Btw, the food
> was delish. My friend and I had a good time. The
> service was pretty bad though. Too bad. If my
> report is accepted, I'll try again. Thanks all,
> for your input and encouragement.

I downloaded a stop watch application from the Android marketplace. It has the ability to keep track of limitless "laps". All I have to do is tap the lap button when I need to keep track of the next item. As long as you record the time you started the shop, you will then have a record of all your times.
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