Shopping with my family

Please i need to know if i can do a shop with my husband and children? is it allowed or can thatlead to my shop getting rejected?

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Most of the time shops will specifically tell you that you are to do the shop alone. Sometimes a dining shop will tell you to bring one adult guest with you but their logic is if you're being surrounded by a herd you won't be able to focus on the details that a client wants. This is work and you could ask yourself "If I went to work at the factory (or where ever) would I bring the whole family in with me?"

Her Serene Majesty, Cettie - Goat Queen of Zoltar, Sublime Empress of Her Caprine Domain
When a shop does not address whether you need to shop alone, sometimes I will take along my significant other. On a restaurant shop he is helpful about telling me what is going on behind me where it is awkward for me to turn around. But on most shops I won't take him, even if I can, because he is a distraction. He wants to chatter and show me cool things he has found while I need to get on with my shop requirements. Some folks with older children find that the kids are a reasonable decoy and can help as a reason to visit a restroom multiple times to make notes or as spotters of employees so the shopper can zoom in to check the 10' rule in other sections of the store. Younger children are too likely to blurt out 'Mommy is doing her mystery shop' or otherwise be a distraction.
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