Receipts? (a newbie question, plz)

I see a shop listed in one of companies that just accepted me to do shops. It is for a car dealership, and it also requires a receipt as proof. If I'm not buying a car, how will I show a receipt? I don't want to accept this opportunity if I am required to buy a car. Please let me know what they may mean for a receipt. Thanks!


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That just means they need proof of your visit. You may want to verify with the scheduler, but a business card has always worked for me and in the case they don't have one (highly unlikely) the salesperson can write his name and phone number on a brochure.

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Your scheduler or the actual shop instructions will tell you what is required on any shop. 'Proof of visit' is the more usual terminology where a purchase is not required. That POV may be a business card, a brochure, a brochure with the location name on it, a brochure that the sales person wrote their name and direct line or extension on, a written estimate or even just a photo of the front of the store to show that you went to the correct address. This is usually clearly stated in the instructions as proof you shopped the correct location (and actually performed the visit) is critical to the validity of the shop.
Thanks. I hope that the shop is still available. I didn't accept it because I was confused about that issue. I'll go look now and see if it is still there.

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