Chase Bank Mystery Shops

Can someone tell me which companies do mystery shops for Chase? I've been in contact with one but wanted to know which ones were available, specifically for Illinois. Thanks!!

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Unfortunately it is a violation of Independent Contractor Agreements to tell you who shops whom. My guess is that if you look at Jobslinger for your area you are likely to see bank shops offered and there is a good chance that one of the postings refers to the Chase shops. Even if the specific shops posted have been taken already it will at least guide you towards the companies to register with.
If you wanted to call you mother another name what would it be? Then add the missing word from this song title Puttin on the ----. add them together and you will hav the name of the MSC you want.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/18/2011 03:19PM by plbell627.
There is more than one. Without revealing specifics, there is one MSP that runs the SASSIE system, one that runs a Prophet system and one that runs their own system.
My favorite is the one that uses their own site, no scheduling Co. involved, great Co...5 minutes in, 5 minute report + good pay. You can only do one a day.

Live consciously....
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