Mystery Shopping Company Discussion

Subject Posts Started By
GDI Worldwide 21 LindaM
Management Consultant Group 3 xbirdnerdx
Bare Payments This Month? 14 Cassiespark
The Jack network 2 Jnbent35
No reimbursement from Intellishop and Collyn Duval 8 travelgirl
One example of why IPSOS communication is so frustrating 13 salisburync
Elite 22 alucegoose
MF & RBG sending emails stating I was assigned shops when I wasn't 11 Phoebe70
EPMS/grace hill 2 jankrbrts
Sinclair incorrect payment? 3 jewel1233
Market Force Asking for copies of ID now? 3 djrosbt
Delays on Mollusk payment via Presto? 3 salisburync
Shoppers Inc. aka Insight You Can Use 3 Boutique
Pro Insight Americas? 6 hbbigdaddy
Screwed by Shared Insights 12 whosear
Shared Insight - do you do jobs for them? 14 Boutique
IPSOS: Special Route Shopping Opportunity 16 claabe
Shoppers' View Pay Dates 11 firenwater29
BARE editing 2 pambam
Jancyn 8 Shopper1622
editing times 18 Morledzep
Curinos Pay Schedule 6 K.calonge1215
ath power editor 3 ebit123
ISS complications 7 Morledzep
Ellis. EMPS 16 Bowesman
Regal Hospitality - Weird Company   (Pages: 1 2) 46 charlhenri
Coyle Hotel Scheduling Timing 4 laloweryshops
New RQA Recall 7 Minime
Ipsos account deactivation???? 8 Shopper1013
Intouch Insight Customer Service Phone Number 6 wrosie
Field Agent denies payment, then won't respond to proof shop was done right 10 KokoBWare