Mystery Shopping Company Discussion

Subject Posts Started By
Pot Study shops on Presto for $5???? 24 Bob Stone
The Mysterious MAO No Replies 1 BabyBooey19
Is IPSOS or sassy down? 2 Ms.Baker
Question about "Make an Offer" 10 dbck
Reality Based Group problem attaching photos 8 Msilk
Are you get getting shopped Approved by IPSOS this weeks? 14 kisekinecro
Intelli-shop auto shops 3 Fatlady
Ipsos updating of my pay 2 Fatlady
Ipsos Issue - Editor Rejected Shop (resolved - survey returned) 27 olympia tennenbaum
What are the benefits to paying to be an MSPA mystery shopper? 16 Tiffany0921
Intouch Insight Payments 20 GSRshops
Payments from Mystery Shop 29 MaggieW
HS Brands Bar Spotter Certification 7 bradkcrew
what is it with IPSOS and their convenience store pricing shops? No Replies 1 johnb974
Lazy Ipsos Scheduler 7 CoolMusic
Contact for Ipsos? 3 mysterioso412
CX Software Issues May 3: Email Request No Replies 1 redink
Ipsos webinar grift 2024 4 AWhitman
What companies do hearing aid shops? 15 dahliadianne1
Market Force & Presto - on the plus side 9 BarefootBliss
Cell phone store Evaluations 5 01Happy
Not Going to Lie, IPSOS' absence of shops is a bummer 19 Cassiespark
JMRidgeway 7 Fatlady
Trendsource restaurant photo shops 30 MisterBill
does service check exist any more ? 3 johnlin
TrendSource: Insulting AND Illiterate 6 CoolMusic
Coyle bidding question 20 olympia tennenbaum
CHC Solutions 18 cheydog
Harland Clarke 6 jpgilham
Ipsos glitch? 4 CoolMusic
Question about IPSOS scheduling shops 14 johnb974
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