Maritz, how long does it take to find out if you did it right?

I did my first shop for Martiz on Tuesday. I have a feeling I may need to correct something on my report. I emailed my scheduler and in theory it will be submitted as is.

I get nervous, paranoid and worked up about my reports, so just wondering if anyone here had any insights.

Also while I'm asking stupid questions; when do they pay? I printed my ICA and have read it multiple times. I'm not seeing it. I only need it so I can put it in the spread sheet.

Thank you

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!

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Unfortunately, Maritz Reports take what I consider to be a long-ish time to move over to the "completed reports" section. For anyone who is nervous about a report, it's going to seem like a long wait. Hang in there.

They pay like clockwork by check twice a month: on the 15th and end of the month. If you conducted a shop around June 15th, I'd put 7/15 as the expected payment date. You might get surprised and get it on 6/30, but probably not. Make sure you submit an invoice for the job if you haven't already.

Shopper in California's Bay Area
Also, I've noticed it really depends on the job. I have done one type of shop for them that almost always takes three days or less. I did a completely different type of shop for them that was still in my current shops list when I got PAID for it.
CaliGirl925 & Amathya, thank you for responding to this post.
My biggest worry is if a new scheduler will need it reshopped. I have an excellent reputation with the scheduling company and it would hurt my soul if this new scheduler ends up with problems, because I did something wrong.

Obviously, I did not realize they pay by check. I need to change the mailing address because I always get the neighbors mail, but rarely my own. I live in a rural area and somehow the mail couriers can't figure it out. Plus we have a new guy.

Thank you again!

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!
If there is something in your report that may need correction, when you go to your current shops page you will see it say "on hold" and in scary red letters "overdue". Don't panic. click on the on hold link and you will see the questions they want clarified. Fix it up and resubmit the shop by scrolling to the bottom and hitting submit until it's gone all the way through. I always click the little letter icon next to the shop to tell them that I have redone whatever it was. I find if I skip that step they may wait much longer or send me an email because for some reason they don't seem to know.
Maritz really seems to appreciate conscientious shoppers so I'm sure they will appreciate you.
@CoffeeQueen wrote:

If there is something in your report that may need correction, when you go to your current shops page you will see it say "on hold" and in scary red letters "overdue". Don't panic. click on the on hold link and you will see the questions they want clarified. Fix it up and resubmit the shop by scrolling to the bottom and hitting submit until it's gone all the way through. I always click the little letter icon next to the shop to tell them that I have redone whatever it was. I find if I skip that step they may wait much longer or send me an email because for some reason they don't seem to know.
Maritz really seems to appreciate conscientious shoppers so I'm sure they will appreciate you.

Thanks Coffee Queen, I haven't seen the scary overdue yet,

BTW, too funny in my mind at least.

Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning; the devil shudders...And yells OH #%*+! SHE'S AWAKE!
@MA Smith wrote:

I did my first shop for Martiz on Tuesday. I have a feeling I may need to correct something on my report. I emailed my scheduler and in theory it will be submitted as is.
First of all, Maritx CX schedulers do not use or respond to emails. They are very old school. Second, if it is an editing issue, you should contact the editor, not the scheduler. You can call the general phone number and press the option for your team number and whoever answers, ask them to transfer you to the editor for the "so-and-so" project. Or you can press "0" and ask the receptionist to transfer you to the the editor for the "so-and-so" project. It pays to be proactive; it will get your report edited and finalized quicker so you will be paid on time.
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