What an awesome interview! @stilllearning was right ~ this was anything but a (yawn).
She obviously put a lot of time and effort into researching the company, it's founders, and their products to come up with the ideal set of questions. I loved the variety and depth of her perceptive questions, and it made for a very entertaining and informative read.
Highlighting the back story of the founders and how they started SurfMerchants was perfect ~ interesting and inspiring... how they took their smarts, skills, and creativity; recalculated their overall strategy and persevered; to start down an entirely new and different track to create a solid and successful company. It was especially interesting to find out how they almost 'accidentally' became major players in the mystery shopping industry, and how they developed their strategy to succeed in that industry.
I especially liked that @stilllearning explored the company's operating philosophy ~ proof that you *can* have fun and succeed at the same time. In fact, I think the 'fun' part probably has as much to do with the company's success as anything else! Also, illustrating how the company genuinely values their employees as individuals, puts together a team of not only brilliant and innovative but likable and reasonable people, and recognizes that everyone's ideas have merit regardless of their 'status' within the company. Plus, that a company can compensate their employees well ~ and still be so successful and profitable. (The opposite of what too many companies sadly seem to believe.)
Personally, I also enjoyed the look 'behind the curtain' @stilllearning got out of Mr. Hsu, at how the software we all use all the time came to be. How SASSIE ~ my favorite reporting platform for all the reasons pointed out in the article ~ came into being, and how it was revamped to be fluid and customizable, yet maintain a level of consistency between MSCs. (I'd actually noticed and wondered about that!) The part about the conception and implementation of Presto Insta-Shops was particularly fascinating ~ just a couple astute questions gave us a wealth of information about the background and future of this incredible (and wildly popular) piece of software. Plus it was interesting to know a little more behind-the-scenes information about the sometimes enigmatic GeoVerify app.
@stilllearning also asked several apt questions about what the company is doing to address shoppers' issues with all three pieces of software... and it's good to know that the company takes these concerns seriously and has (or is) already responding to some of them ~ and figuring out how to, and working on, responding to the rest.

(Although the company didn't address the GeoVerify inaccuracy issue to my full satisfaction.)
@stilllearning always brings us the most interesting and entertaining articles and interviews, but I agree that she hit it out of the park with this one. She did an exceptional job of showing us there are real (and intriguing!) people on the other side of the software!
Practitioner of the Nerdly Arts.