Gap Buster -- Late AND Short Payments (March 2014)

Did anyone got there payment this month or are they late again.

2 months in a row.

signs of money problems.

expect the unexpected

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No, but I have changed my expectations from the 26th to the 2nd of the following month.

I think it's a disorganization problem as opposed to a money problem.

Always take the high road.
Nope, no payment here either.

I did receive my pay last month, but not until the 2nd of the following month. I do agree Dhunt1, I think I'm going to be changing my expectation of when I'll be paid. It's just tough when you're used to receiving your pay at a certain time, plus factor having to wait until its transferred over from Paypal, etc. Just a little bit frustrating!
I've just joined this forum on the strength of looking online to find out what's happening with Gapbuster!

Both last month and this month they have not paid me on time. And to add insult to injury they have rung me up to try to get me to do assignments, when they haven't paid for the last lot. One of their operatives in Melbourne (Australia!) just did this again a few minutes ago and I asked him where my money is? He said he didn't know and there was nobody in the office (a good excuse!)

I'm now not doing anything else for Gapbuster until they pay on time. I also refuse to do assignments at their pittiful fee rates. I don't touch any assignment unless it pays at least £20. I suggest everyone else does the same and forces them to up their game. All the other companies I work for both pay on time and also have a telephone contact number for queries.

Gapbuster are by far the worst company I've ever come across!
Finally got paid thru pay pal for last month.
I agree they are totally ignoring any inquiry and I don't do shop for their $5.00 mine are $10.00 in town where I live and much more when I have to drive out of town.

expect the unexpected
I got my pay a couple of days late as well. And it didn't include all of my pay. I have contacted them about where the remainder of my pay is, but haven't heard anything back yet. If they rejected one of my jobs, you think they'd let me know?
Shawn28, I gave up trying to get an answer from the payroll dept. I am still waiting for an answer to why I was short over $30.00 last January.

What I do now is when they phone me for a shop my cost went up by $5.00 from the price I was getting before. Since then I got that $30.00 back and more.

So next time they phone you, just ask for more than what you use to take.

expect the unexpected
Have any of you been paid yet? I was told payment would be processed by today but still waiting.. UK Gapbuster..
No matter how I add up the numbers, it's short.

I tried leaving out the shop from the 28th but that doesn't make it balance.
I've tried leaving out the reimbursement from the bakery shops that I am not supposed to get but always have but that doesn't work.
It isn't a large amount, either $9.05 or $8.20 or $1.90 depending on how you slice it, but it bothers me that I can't figure out what they did.

The payroll screen on their site does not work. I've emailed them.
Has this happened to anyone else? Do they reply?
The same thing is happening to my and my husband's account. We are owed hundreds and received less than a hundred.

To make it worse, it is showing on the website that we were both paid on the 30th and we received $0 on that date.

I've emailed and I have been told that someone is looking into it.
I haven't worked with them in years but they used to drive me batty because a payment might include fees from one month and reimbursements from another. Eventually I was always able to figure it out but it was sure a waste of my time to not tell me what I was being paid for. It also made spreadsheet accounting less than wonderfully useful. I think I eventually got everything due me but just too much hassle.
I worked for Gapbuster in Ireland and they have not paid me for ANY assignments done this year and now owe me 702 euro. I keep getting excuses and promises of payment but nothing happens. I have stopped doing assignments for them and I am working on alternative methods of getting payment.
This is ONLY a thought, as I am not a lawyer.


I've only been on this forum for about five weeks and I see the names of people who haven't been paid in MONTHS popping up in this thread again.

Is it time to start talking lawyers? I mean, $30 is an annoyance, but 702€ is over $960. With the number of people who are in this boat, this might be one time when shoppers should team up.
Hi Friends,

I also did one mystery shop for Gap Buster in the month of Oct 2013 and these people rejected my report on the basis of providing just contact details to the store, the details which was given was fake and this was brought to the knowledge of Gap Buster from my side. Some days back I again received a call from Gap Buster to conduct another mystery audit, I am providing herewith the contact detail of Gap Buster +61282030050. Hope it will help everyone a lot.
Can't shop for them any more. The last time I got paid, it was short the reimbursements. We can never rely on getting paid at all, let alone the right amount. I have written off the missing payment, and I will not do anything else for them until I see some stability in their payments. What's the point of asking for more on the next job, to cover the missing pay on the last one, when you won't be getting paid for the next one anyway. You are working for free if you work for them. I have way too many things to do that actually pay me, to worry about working for free.
They do the Iphone shops in my area and I have always been paid in the past. But may not do them now when Iphone 6 comes out. thanks for the heads up guys.

Shopping Western NY, Northeast and Central PA, and parts of Ohio and West Virginia. Have car will travel anywhere if the monies right.
I'm going to do one shop a month for them, no more than that.
That way I will be able to figure out how they came up with the amount of payment.
This is exactly my situation and I have been ignored by GB as well.

Sj Wrote:
> The same thing is happening to my and my husband's
> account. We are owed hundreds and received less
> than a hundred.
> To make it worse, it is showing on the website
> that we were both paid on the 30th and we received
> $0 on that date.
> I've emailed and I have been told that someone is
> looking into it.

Mike T
Looking for shops in Western Canada

"Life is good because the alternative is forever "
We are investigating this at Mystery Shopper Magazine. Apparently their Atlanta, Georgia office is closed as I let the phone ring for almost two minutes with no answer. I did send them an email in which I stated some of the concerns posted here [no names were used], and I requested a reply. We shall see what happens.

Have PV-500 & willing to travel.
"Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard." (The Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil, 1977)

"Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue.” J. Andrew Taylor

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." Galileo Galilei
I did a shop for them on Feb. 25, 2014 and got paid (even with a bonus) on April3, 2014. No problems..... I just emailed them with my concern and a copy of a warning email I got about them. They owe me $50 for a shop I did today. See what happens. Never had a problem in the past getting paid and have done a number of shops.

Have PV-500 & willing to travel.
"Answers are easy. It's asking the right questions which is hard." (The Fourth Doctor, The Face of Evil, 1977)

"Somedays you're the pigeon, somedays you're the statue.” J. Andrew Taylor

"I have never met a man so ignorant that I couldn't learn something from him." Galileo Galilei
I got paid today. It included the reimbursements for the two bakery shops which should have been in the previous pay. But that meant it was still $1.90 short.

I know what happened. At one chicken place I was charged for the wrong sandwich. I was charged $1.90 over. I had to submit a picture of the sandwich in the report as well as a picture of the receipt. I was paid for the shop, less $1.90. I guess GapBuster assumed I was pulling a fast one. They must have assumed I went with someone else who ordered the sandwich that was $1.90 more and submitted that receipt to profit by $1.90! So I guess with Gapbuster if you are charged the wrong amount, get it fixed right then or you will be out of pocket. Wow, they suck. They also never replied to my email about the short payment last month.
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